Thursday, May 2, 2019

The 10 Different Types Of Chiropractic Therapies

The 10 Different Types of Chiropractic Therapies

Chiropractic care used to be a fringe medical practice, but as research has proven its effectiveness, it has become as mainstream as the dentist.

If you've never been to the chiropractor though, you're probably only familiar with spinal manipulations.

This is what chiropractors do that cause the big pops in your spine and other joints.

Spinal manipulations combine moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise and physical therapy.

It's used to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation and improve nerve function.

It’s most often used to treat back, neck, shoulder and headache pain.

Chiropractors can use it to treat other discomforts too, such as menstrual pain and sinus problems.

However, that's not the only type of therapy your chiropractor may use when you visit them.

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